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Lavender From Provence

Posted by Barbara Willborn on 22nd Aug 2022

Lavender From Provence

Lavender is one of the most widely used herbs in the world, and it comes from the south of France. Lavender has a long history of use, dating back to Ancient Rome when it was used for culinary, medicinal and spiritual purposes.

Lavender is the primary essential oil we use in one of our most popular scents - Oui Willy. Adding this fragrant Lavender Oil from Provence, makes this scent even more amazing!

Lavender is a much-loved plant and for good reason.

Lavender is a much-loved plant and for good reason. It’s a beautiful and fragrant herb, which makes it perfect for using in all kinds of ways. Whether you want to enjoy the calming effect of lavender or get creative with your cooking, there are plenty of ways to incorporate this versatile flower into your daily life.

French lavender is not created equal.

You may think that all French lavender is created equal. You'd be wrong.

Lavender from Provence is not the same as lavender from France, or Europe for that matter. For example, if you look at the most common kind of lavender grown in Provence—Lavandula dentata—you'll see that it's similar to but distinct from other types of French lavender: It has smaller flowers than other varieties, and its leaves are more rounded and less serrated than those found on some other varieties.

This is true across the board when it comes to French-grown lavenders: they can vary widely in appearance and scent depending on where they were cultivated. This means that if you're looking for a particular kind of scented flower petal (or oil produced by said flower petal), you'll need to do your research before buying anything blindly!

We have updated our OUI WILLY scent to include this amazing Lavender oil from Provence.

The essential oil lavender has calming properties.

The essential oil lavender has calming properties. It is used to relieve stress and anxiety, and it is also effective for treating insomnia, depression, headaches, migraines and muscle spasms.

The essential oil lavender can be applied directly on the skin or diffused in the air via a diffuser as an inhalant to relieve stress and anxiety. It can also be used in baths or body creams to help you relax at night before going to bed.

* It is a natural relaxant and can help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. * It can be used to treat insomnia, depression, headaches, migraines and muscle spasms. * The essential oil lavender can be applied directly on the skin or diffused in the air via a diffuser as an inhalant to relieve stress and anxiety.


So, if you’re looking to add a unique scent to your home, business or garden, French lavender is the way to go. It has an amazing aroma that everyone loves and can be used in so many different ways. Whether you want it for decoration or something else entirely, rest assured that this beautiful flower won't disappoint!

Try our Oui Willy Oil today to experience this truly beautiful scent.

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